

All potential tenants will be credit checked and will be required to submit references prior to taking possession of any of our properties.

Tenancy Agreement

The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 commenced on 1 December 2017 and introduced the new ‘private residential tenancy’.

Its purpose is to improve security, stability and predictability for you as a tenant and provide safeguards for landlords, lenders and investors.

The tenancy will be open-ended and will last until you wish to leave the let property or your landlord uses one (or more) of 18 grounds for eviction.

Improvements for tenants include:

  • more security – it’s an open-ended tenancy so your landlord can’t just ask you to leave because you’ve been in the property for a set length of time
  • protection from frequent rent increases – your rent can’t go up more than once a year and you must get at least three months’ notice of any increase
  • any rent increase can be referred to a rent officer, who can decide if they’re fair
  • if you’ve lived in a property for more than six months, landlords have to give 84 days’ notice to leave (unless it’s because you’ve done something wrong)
  • if you think you were misled into moving out, you can now apply to the First-tier Tribunal (www.housingandpropertychamber.scot) for a ‘wrongful termination order’. If the Tribunal gives the order it can award up to six months’ rent in compensation
  • local authorities can apply to Scottish Ministers to cap the levels of rent increases in areas where rents are rising too much

Any current tenants on an existing Short Assured Tenancy (SAT) will continue on this type of lease until it has been terminated.



A deposit will be required for all our properties. If the tenancy comes to an end we will inspect the property prior to your vacate date and if it is satisfactory, the deposit will be returned to you. All our deposits are now held with Safe Deposits Scotland (www.safedepositsscotland.com).
In the event of a dispute, it will be handled through one of Safe Deposits Scotland independent Adjudicators. The scheme holding the deposit will ask for evidence from all parties as to how they feel the deposit should be allocated and the scheme will then carry out an adjudication process and issue a draft report for review by all involved.

Council Tax

Council Tax is not included in the rent and is the responsibility of the tenant.

Fuel Bills

All tenants are responsible for notifying the gas and electrical suppliers of all changes of address and give accurate meter reading.


The landlord is required to have sufficient buildings insurance over the property and the tenant should have contents insurance.

Rental property repairs

Any repairs that are required should be reported in the first instance using this link:

If you have an emergency outwith office hours, please contact our out of hours contractors –

MacDal Electrical Services
Mobile: 07984 081 258
Email: info@macdalelectrical.co.uk

Scott Turnbull Plumbing and Heating Limited
Mobile: 07928 111 896
Email: scott_t_12@hotmail.com

Mobile: 07850 687 381

Want to rent one of our properties?

If you are interested in enquiring about letting one of our properties, get in touch and one of our friendly advisors will be on hand to help.

Tenants Insurance Services

We recommend GS Group for all your Insurance needs:-

Please visit their website for further information www.gsinsurance.co.uk or contact the Dundee Office on 01382 202 605

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